“Free of” processes
enforced by Demain la Terre
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Fruit and vegetables certified as being “free of any detected residues” or “grown free of any synthetic pesticides”
Demain la Terre producers are attempting to reduce the use of synthetic crop protection products (commonly known as “pesticides”), and to eliminate any trace of them from their fruit and vegetables. As such, some of our producers’ fruit and vegetables are inspected and certified as being “FREE OF any detected pesticide residue” or “grown FREE OF any synthetic pesticides”.
These criteria are applied to any company that requests it, and come on top of the other mandatory criteria enforced by the Demain la Terre label. Thanks to our members Kultive, Pomliberty, Ferme de la Motte, Picvert, Le Jardin de Rabelais, Val de Sérigny and Le Verger de la Blottière, 10,000 tonnes of products “FREE OF any synthetic pesticides” and 4,000 products “FREE OF any detected residues” were marketed.
Synthetic pesticides
To us, “synthetic pesticides” refer to any plant protection product made with synthetic chemicals and authorised for sale.
Pesticide residues
To us, “pesticide residues” refer to any active matter and metabolites that remain in fruit and vegetables following plant protection treatment (list of registered substances established in EC regulation no. 1107/2009).
Fruit and vegetables certified as being “free of any detected residues”
The lack of residue is determined by the non-detection of active matter during testing (in accordance with detection thresholds). The laboratories running the tests are all accredited by the French Accreditation Committee (COFRAC*), or any equivalent body.
Residue testing consists in searching for and qualifying any active matter likely to still be present in the piece of fruit or vegetable. Testing is done using the Multi-Residue Method – that covers substance groups – or molecule by molecule for a more targeted approach.

A mono-residue test is also requested for any molecules not included in the initial Multi-Residue Method, whenever there is a risk of them being present.
Over 600 active substances may be searched for.
A risk analysis is conducted from harvest to dispatch for each batch of fruit of vegetables concerned, making it possible to determine testing frequency and conditions. Furthermore, this analysis pinpoints any cross-contamination risks relating to neighbouring crops that may pollute the samples. A sampling protocol is established based on the risk analysis.
As part of Demain la Terre’s process, an annual audit is conducted within the member company by an independent inspection authority. During this audit, compliance with Demain la Terre’s specifications is verified, including the “free of detected residue” criterion. The company is required to conduct internal inspections through the entire production process. The external audit only serves to back the soundness of internal control procedures.
The phrasing “free of any detected pesticide residue” is added to the Demain la Terre logo for the inspected fruit or vegetable.
For consumers, selecting fruit or vegetables certified as being “free of any detected pesticide residue” ensures that no traces of pesticides were found. Comprehensive production and analysis protocols specific to each product are available for each company listed as a producer.
* The COFRAC is the French authority in charge of recognising the skills and impartiality of inspection bodies and laboratories.
Fruit and vegetables “grown free of any synthetic pesticides”
Producers undertake never to apply any synthetic pesticide treatments to the fruit or vegetable’s seed or plant.
Only products usable in Organic Farming (list established by EC regulation no. 889/2008 by the Commission on 5 September 2008) and biocontrol products (established by the DGAL – General Food Directorate in accordance with articles L.253-5 and L.253-7 of the CRPM) are authorised.
Biocontrol products include macro-organisms (insects) and plant protection products made up of micro-organisms (bacteria, fungi, etc.), chemical transmitters (pheromones and kairomones), or natural plant-, animal- or mineral-based substances.
As part of Demain la Terre’s process, an annual audit is conducted within the member company by an independent inspection authority. During this audit, compliance with Demain la Terre’s specifications is verified, including the “grown free of any synthetic pesticides” criterion. The company is required to conduct internal inspections through the entire production process. The external audit only serves to back the soundness of internal control procedures.

The inspections pertaining to pesticide-free agriculture base themselves on the crop listings, their corresponding technical equipment rooms and on a visit of the plots concerned by the protocol – as well as on water, soil and product analyses.
The phrasing “grown free of any synthetic pesticides” is added to the Demain la Terre logo for the inspected fruit or vegetable.
For consumers, selecting fruit or vegetables certified as being “grown free of any synthetic pesticides” means opting for a product that respects the environment. Comprehensive production and analysis protocols specific to each product are available for each company listed as a producer.