Demain la Terre label

What is the Demain la Terre label?

The Demain la Terre certification label aims to provide consumers with credible proof of our producers’ commitment, focusing on three priorities: health, quality and respect for the environment.

The label is based on a frame of reference, revolving around three crucial aspects: credibility, high regulatory standards and readability. It encompasses 70 objective criteria, that are both precise and measurable, and go even further than current enforceable regulations. It was designed in full awareness of how diverse crop practices are, so as to be universally applicable.

10 themes revolving around sustainable development

The label covers 10 themes revolving around sustainable development, pertaining not only to quality but also to environmental and social responsibility. The regulations in force for each topic represent the minimum goal to be complied with. This condition, though necessary, is not enough to obtain the Demain la Terre certification.

A dynamic continuous improvement approach

This very strict label includes systematic non-compliance thresholds under which products will be rejected. For each criterion, there are three performance levels allowing producers to adhere to a dynamic continuous improvement approach.

The annual compliance audit report assigns an overall rating to the product line for which a Demain la Terre label was requested. As such, producers can be qualified at varying levels of performance for each criterion and each theme. They are not necessarily at the highest level for each criterion. However, their inspected products will systematically be EXCLUDED if JUST ONE of their criteria does not comply with the set standards.

Proper application of the various criteria and the level obtained for each of them shall be controlled on a yearly basis by an independent inspection authority – with or without prior notice.

In addition to this annual inspection, products are under constant scrutiny by an Inspection Committee. The latter’s role is two-fold: to oversee and approve members’ actions, and adapt the frame of reference in line with any newly-arising challenges.

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