Demain la Terre

We all know that getting 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day helps us stay healthy. You may sometimes run out of recipe ideas though. We update this page regularly to present new recipes suggested by our members and collaborating partners. Endives, mushrooms, red fruit, etc. …discover new ways of preparing your fruit and vegetables all year round.
Would you like to share the result with us, or even send in one of your own recipes? Send us your photos by email or via social media!

Chef’s recipes

Thanks to the participation of our producers in the TV shows “Objectif Top Chef” or “Top Chef: les Grands Duels”, Demain la Terre can offer you many recipes. Simple or more elaborate, they have in common to have been imagined and made by great chefs!

Baby Potatoes supreme and tongue of sea urchins

The baby potato labeled Demain la Terre from Ferme de Normandie was honored during season 2 of the program “Top Chef: les Grands Duels”.

Chef Thibault SOMBARDIER convinced our producer Pierre-Yves MÉNAGER and food critic François-Régis GAUDRY with this recipe.

Garden of mini-vegetables

The Demain la Terre labeled mini-vegetables from our member Picvert were the stars of a test in season 7 of the show “Objectif Top Chef”.

Here is the recipe proposed by chef Sarah MAINGUY to sublimate these exceptional products.

Smashed potatoes

How to surprise your guests with the potato? This was one of the themes set by chef Philippe ETCHEBEST for the candidates of season 8 of the show “Objectif Top Chef”!

Chef Pierre CHOMET invites you to discover an original way of cooking the Gwenne potato labeled Demain la Terre from Pomliberty.

Bolognaise de champignons Portobello

Moins consommer de protéines animales et plus de protéines végétales est l’un des leviers pour réduire son impact écologique mais aussi pour préserver sa santé.

Mais concrètement, comment fait-on ? Dans la saison 8 de l’émission “Objectif Top Chef”, le chef Pierre CHOMET vous propose une recette de bolognaise où la viande est remplacée par les champignons Portobello labellisés Demain la Terre de LOU !

Recipes in collaboration with Émilie Charignon

For a more sustainable meal this Christmas season, we asked Émilie Charignon, also known as Cupkilleuse, to create four festive recipes using responsible fruit and vegetables certified by Demain la Terre. Recipes bursting with flavour, using seasonal products!

Recipes in collaboration
with Sur le Grill

Give your barbecue a twist this summer, by grilling fruit and vegetables which comply with Demain la Terre’s label. We have lots of recipe ideas selected in collaboration with Alexandre Hurson, six-time French Barbecue Champion.